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June 29, 7:00 PM The Book Cellar- Evanston, IL author panel
She Writes Press Spring Author Tour 922 Davis St, Evanston, IL

We Are Here...An Appreciation
Ellen Cassedy’s memoir We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust charts her journey to her family’s past and her own reckoning...
Spring 2015 Jewish Book Preview
Even in Darkness makes it to the Jewish Book Council's list of books to look forward to in Spring, 2014! I will be a visiting scribe on...

Quiet Stories Run Deep - The Quiet Americans by Erika Dreifus
I rarely come to an author’s fictional work as a result of reading her contributions in the blogosphere, periodicals, or on social media....

A Writer's Writer Website Sampler
On days when it feels like a gift to write just one sentence, it might seem frivolous, or even counterproductive, to spend precious...

Reading Around Even in Darkness: Comp books
It’s both daunting and exciting to read the wonderful books in the same genre as Even in Darkness. Daunting, as my book will be in the...

Flipping the Way the World is Perceived
“Good writing can flip the way the world is perceived,” states Steven Pinker, experimental psychologist and world famous writer on...
Remarkable and Honest Portrayal
Even in darkness there can be renewal, trust, love. This is the message of Barbara Stark-Nemon's unforgettable book, Even in Darkness. ...
You will be enriched and inspired by Barbara Stark-Nemon’s Even in Darkness, a beautifully crafted, compelling novel, based on events in...

Becoming a 10% Better Writer- 10 Steps
Far into reading Nightline host Dan Harris’ 10% Happier, a memoir of how he came to the practice of meditation, I realized that his Way...
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